Our Website and Services

Accessibility includes:

  • Access to our services
  • Access to information produced by the CRU
  • Access to our building

The CRU is always looking at ways of improving the accessibility and usability of our website and services. We follow accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility although, on occasion, this may not be possible, practicable or appropriate.

Website Accessibility

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 level AA. Our most recent web accessibility audit for this website was in February 2023.

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible including:

  • not all images have a photo (or meta-) descriptions. If images do not have the correct descriptions, assistive technologies will not learn the information conveyed in the image

Many documents are published as PDFs. This is less accessible than HTML pages for people using assistive technologies. Some of the issues with PDFs include:

This content is not an exhaustive list of non-accessible content.

We are undertaking improvements to the accessibility of this website by:

  1. reviewing and improving the accessibility of content on an ongoing basis
  2. engaging with our website developers to improve the design and accessibility of our website.

Feedback and contact information

If you have a comment or complaint about the accessibility of this website, please email us at info@cru.ie.

If you want particular content in an accessible format, please include the following details:

  • Your required format
  • The content you wish to receive (please include the web address of the content)
  • Your name and email address.

Access Officers

Our Access Officers help people with disabilities access CRU's services. They act as a general point of contact and can arrange assistance and guidance as needed.

You can contact our Access Officers in a number of ways.

Email: accessofficer@cru.ie

By post:

Access Officer

Commission for Regulation of Utilities,

The Exchange,

Belgard Square North, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 PXW0.

Accessibility complaints

A person may make a complaint to the CRU if they consider that we have failed to comply with the provisions of Sections 25 to 28 of the Disability Act, 2005.

For information on how to make a complaint under the Disability Act 2005, see CRU Complaints Procedure under Section 38 of the Disability Act 2005.

A complaint may be made by a person, or through his or her:

  • spouse/partner, parent or relative
  • guardian or a person acting in loco parentis to that person
  • legal representative
  • a personal advocate, assigned by the Citizens Information Board to represent that person

or by another person advocating on behalf of that person with his or her consent.

Please note that the complaint must be made in writing to the CRU Inquiry Officer.

Email: inquiryofficer@cru.ie

By post:

The Inquiry Officer,

Commission for Regulation of Utilities, The Exchange,

Belgard Square North, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 PXW0.