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Annual Report


We published our 2023 Annual Report, which details our work in both protecting customers and ensuring safe and secure energy supply, as we continue to navigate towards a lower-carbon future.

  • We progressed the electricity security of supply programme of work.
  • We hosted the 2023 European Commission Citizens’ Energy Forum.
  • Continued the implementation of the Government electricity credits.
  • We launched our new www.cru.ie website.
  • Calculation and oversight of Public Service Obligation (PSO) payments back to customers due to a negative PSO Levy.

Water Sector Customer Report


We have published the Water Sector Customer Report, which provides information on the amount and types of customers that Uisce Éireann has, the amount of water that these customers consume and the quality of service they receive from Uisce Éireann Irish Water.. The CRU protect the interests of customers of Uisce Éireann by ensuring that water and wastewater services are provided by Uisce Éireann in an economical and efficient manner.

Network Charges for Electricity Customers


We published a paper on the Electricity Distribution Network Allowed Revenues for 2025 and the associated Distribution Use of System (DUoS) tariffs and Distribution Loss Adjustment Factors (DLAFs) for the 2024 and 2025 tariff year.

The paper sets out the update to the Allowed Revenues that the distribution system operator, ESB Networks, may recover during the calendar year 2025.

The final 2025 allowed revenues of €1,124.15m (nominal) leads to a tariff year revenue of €1,139.5m, which is to be recovered during the tariff period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025. This represents a tariff year (2024/25) decrease of circa 0.33% relative to the €1,143.3m that was approved for recovery during the previous tariff year (2023/24), with the primary driver being inflation.

Offshore Revenue Model for EirGrid

We published our decision on the Offshore Revenue Model to be applied to EirGrid Group for its offshore activities. This decision provides a platform for facilitating the required investment in the offshore grid needed to deliver Ireland’s Net Zero ambitions and ensures that this is achieved efficiently and in alignment with the interests of electricity consumers.

The decision ensures that only efficient costs are passed through to the consumer. This decision also enables EirGrid to raise the capital that it needs to finance its investment in the offshore network. It will help support Ireland’s ambitious targets and timing schedules for the development of the offshore wind sector.

Additional Customer Protection Measures


We published our additional customer protection measures for household electricity and gas customers. We reviewed the additional measures put in place in previous years and decided that additional customer protection measures are still needed with rising levels of arrears and increases in the levels of customers contacting NGOs for assistance. Therefore, we decided to maintain many of the additional customer protection measures first introduced in 2022, which will be reviewed again next summer, with two notable changes:

  • The Christmas moratorium on disconnections for all domestic customers (for non-payment of account) will be from 9th December 2024 – 17th January 2025.
  • The moratorium on disconnections for registered vulnerable customers will be from 1st November 2024 – 31st March 2025.

Dynamic Tariffs

We published a decision on Dynamic Electricity Price Tariffs. The CRU has decided that a 12-month timeline should be sufficient for suppliers to develop and test all the necessary billing systems, applications and customer protection measures. The CRU’s decision is that the five obligated suppliers must offer a Standard Dynamic Price Contract to customers by 1 October 2025. The CRU also plans to publish a guide for customers in the coming months. This will help customers to develop an understanding of Standard Dynamic Price Contracts.

Smarter Travel Mark

The CRU was awarded the Bronze Level Smarter Travel Mark by the National Transport Authority. The award recognises our achievements in promoting sustainable travel initiatives. To achieve the award we put in place measures including:

  • A cycle to work and TaxSaver travel scheme
  • Visitor bike parking
  • A remote working policy helping to reduce carbon emissions and
  • Regular social, cycling and hiking events.