News Update
We highlight our publications, consultations and decisions over the last few months.

Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions Report 2023

We published information papers on the Annual Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions Report 2023 and the Green Source Product Verification Report for 2023. These papers set out the 2023 fuel mix disclosure and CO2 emission intensities for suppliers licensed in Ireland and operating in the All-Island Single Electricity Market (SEM). The Green Source Product Verification Report 2023 report presents information on the result of the annual verification process of an electricity supplier in Ireland offering “Green Source Products”.
Decision on Price Control 5 Regulatory Framework

We published a decision on the Price Control 5 (PC5) Regulatory Framework Implementation. Following engagement with Gas Networks Ireland, the CRU published a consultation paper requesting feedback from the public on its proposals for the implementation of changes to the framework. A discussion of feedback and resulting changes to the proposals consulted upon are set out in the paper. Taking those changes into account, detailed guidance for implementing the framework is published alongside this paper in the Price Control 5 User Guide. The finalised framework includes ten incentives, a package of three uncertainty mechanisms, and ten associated reports.

We currently have two open consultations:
- Consultation on the Criteria Document for Non-Domestic Gas Works
This year, the CRU will extend the RGI scheme to include the regulation of Non-Domestic Gas Works and from 1 January 2026, it will become law that only RGIs can carry out Non-Domestic Gas Works. This consultation sets out the CRU’s approach to implementing regulation of Non-domestic Gas Works, the updates to the Criteria Document and the proposed legislation, for public consultation.
- Gas PAYG Meter System Replacement Project: Consultation on the High-Level Design
The current gas PAYG meters are coming to the end of their life due to ageing and must be replaced. This consultation sets out what the new gas PAYG meter system will look like and the differences between the new system and the current system
2024 Gas Security of Supply Annual Report

We published our Annual Report on the Gas Security of Supply. Ireland is in the process of transitioning to an electricity system with high-renewable penetration, backed up by flexible gas-fired generation. The report sets out the legislative actions taken by the CRU, and the additional actions undertaken in relation to gas security of supply in Ireland. The CRU’s role involves ensuring sustainable and secure energy networks and supplies, providing effective regulation that supports competitive and efficient energy markets and empowering and protecting customers.

We are recruiting for the following positions:
- Senior Communications Executive - closing date 13 January, 2025.
The successful candidate will support the development and delivery of consumer and corporate communications campaigns across a range of platforms.
- Head of Function (Infrastructure, Energy Safety) - closing date 24 January, 2025.
The individual will provide expert advice and support to the CRU in its role as safety regulator of a transforming energy sector.