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The CRU has been working closely with ESB Networks (ESBN) in its capacity as Distribution System Operator to develop a demand flexibility product design, appropriate for the distribution network, including the procurement of a specific congestion management product on the distribution system. In line with this work, the CRU published the ESBN Demand Flexibility Product Proposal consultation to gather stakeholders’ views on the proposed procurement and to support the overarching National Energy Demand Strategy (NEDS) with aim to achieve the flexibility targets outlined in Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2024 (CAP24).

To facilitate this engagement, the CRU, along with ESBN, is hosting an online Webinar for Thursday 8th February 2024, 2pm - 5pm.

Within the Webinar, the CRU will outline overarching flexibility strategy and the consultations connection to the NEDS, ESBN will provide stakeholders details on the proposal for a medium term demand flexibility product to be procured in locations where there is a defined system need, and ESBN will step through the proposed plan to procure up to 500MW of medium-term flexibility products. The engagement will also provider opportunity for questions and clarifications prior to stakeholders submitting written responses to the consultation which closes February 14th. The objective of the workshop is to assist stakeholder in submitting responses to the Consultation Paper questions.


Date: 14:00 – 17:00, Thursday 8th February 2024

Venue: Online
Cost: Free of charge

To register for this Webinar please email flexibility@cru.ie to register your interest by 17:00 on Tuesday 6th February 2024.

In advance of the workshop, participants are invited to submit questions by email, this will help us in organising the discussion.