CRU appoints SGS Ireland to operate the Safe Electric and Registered Gas Installer schemes
The CRU has today announced, following a competitive public procurement process, the appointment of SGS Ireland as the single Safety Supervisory Body (SSB) to operate the Safe Electric and Registered Gas Installer (RGI) schemes.

From January 2023, SGS Ireland will operate the schemes under the CRU’s Safe Electric and RGI brands. These arrangements will be in place for 5 years with two possible extensions of 1 year.
The CRU is committed to ensuring that the transition of services to the newly appointed SSB is as seamless as possible for Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs), Registered Gas Installers (RGIs) and consumers. All current services will remain available to Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs), Registered Gas Installers (RGIs) and the public.
Customers can have peace of mind that RECs and RGIs, who carry out work in their home, do so safely thereby protecting lives and property.
There are approximately 3,900 RECs and 2,700 RGIs in Ireland, all of which will be supervised by the SSB so that customers can be assured that RECs and RGIs working in their homes are competent, insured, audited, and inspected by the SSB. RECs and RGIs must provide a completion certificate to consumers on completion of their work. The certificate certifies that their work is carried out to specified standards.
- It is illegal for an individual or company to carry out Gas Works or to portray themselves as registered unless they are a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) with the Registered Gas Installer scheme (RGI).
• It is also illegal for an individual or company to carry out Restricted Electrical Works or to portray themselves as registered, unless they are a Registered Electrical Contractor (REC) with Safe Electric.
The Safe Electric and RGI schemes, which have both been in existence since 2009, will be strengthened by improvements which will build on the benefits to date in terms of safety. The schemes will move from having two separately appointed Electrical SSB and Gas SSB to one single SSB allowing for more efficiency and consistency in the level of service provided.
Paul McGowan, CRU Commissioner, said:
“We congratulate SGS Ireland on their appointment as the single Safety Supervisory Body (SSB) to operate the Safe Electric and Registered Gas Installer (RGI) schemes for at least 5 years. Alongside SGS Ireland, we will work to ensure that both schemes continue to protect public safety and grow in effectiveness. With the appointment of one body to look after both schemes, we hope to improve consistency and deliver an improved process for registered gas installers, registered electrical contractors and for customers.”
The CRU is committed to ensuring that the next stage of the schemes will benefit the public and improve electrical and gas safety in the home. The CRU will work closely with the newly appointed SSB, the current incumbents and all industry stakeholders to ensure that this is the case.
For further information and to find a Registered Electrical Contractor please visit
For further information and to find a Registered Gas Installer please visit